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FAQ to see how this site works. It does not work like most other sites about guns and ammo.
The short explanation is this site indexes deals around the web, which are submitted by users of the site. THIS SITE DOES NOT SELL OR STOCK ANYTHING, it indexes gun and ammunition prices from around the web (and in stores) to help you
find a good one. Refresh your browser and this box will disappear.
Welcome to the Local Shop/FFL Finder. Simply enter your zip code and distance you want to search,
and local shops/FFLs are displayed on an interactive Google Map. Like the rest of the site, comments can be
added to each FFL and registered users can add, edit, and delete FFLs (to keep the map up-to-date).
To add an FFL, click here
NOTE: call ahead and check to make sure an FFL will do a transfer, this site is not to be held responsible
for any errors in the mapping service.